Electronic procurement is one of the areas where transactions are done through the internet and has been accepted world over even though it still faces challenges of its implementation. The general objective of this study was to find out factors influencing e-procurement implementation by Small and Medium Enterprises in Kisauni sub-county Mombasa County. The study was guided by four specific objectives. To ascertain the effect of skills of employees on implementation of e-procurement by SMEs in Kisauni Sub-County Mombasa County, to establish the effect of supplier compatibility on implementation of e-procurement by SMEs in Kisauni sub-county Mombasa County and to determine the effect of cost of systems infrastructure on implementation of e-procurement by SMEs in Kisauni Mombasa County. The study was based on the Diffusion of Invention theory, Planned Behavior Theory and Dynamical Systems Theory. The study used descriptive survey design. This design enabled the collection of data from members of the population in terms of attitudes, understanding and acceptance of technology. The targeted population of the study was 78 owners of small and medium enterprises, 65 respondents for the study were drawn from the owners of SMEs within Kisauni Sub County. Questionnaires were used to collect data. The data collected was analysed, summarized and tabulated by use of SPSS Version 23 software. Regression model was used to analyse data collected. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used to summarize the results for each of the main objective of the study. The outcomes found out that technological issues were the key factor influencing e-procurement implementation amongst SME’s in Mombasa Sub County. Data was presented using tables.
Key terms: Implementation, Procurement, Purchasing, Small and Medium, Enterprises, Staff Competence, Supplier Compatibility
CITATION: Sabato, F., Datche, E., & Ogolla, P. (2019). Factors influencing electronic procurement implementation by small and medium enterprises in Kisauni Sub-County Mombasa County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (3), 503 – 516.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v6i3.1332
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