Numerous empirical studies on organizational culture and employee outcomes have been undertaken mainly in the private sector and in the developed countries. Nonetheless, it is important to understand this relationship in the public service of a developing economy as well. Additionally, the effect of human resource management orientations on this relationship has not been explored, despite theoretical assertions that organizational culture and human resource management orientations can influence employee outcomes. This study was inspired by the desire to fill these gaps in the knowledge of empirical research. The study examined the effect of organizational culture on employee outcomes in Kenya’s civil service and the moderating effect of human resource management orientations on this relationship. The study adopted a cross-sectional descriptive survey design method. Data was collected from employees in senior, technical and middle level cadres in Ministries and state departments using a self-administered questionnaire. The results of the study indicated that organizational culture significantly influenced employee outcomes in the civil service. The study results affirmed findings from previous research which established a significant link between organizational culture and employee outcomes. The study recommended that top policy makers in the civil service should realign the policies and practices in the service to the prevailing organizational culture. This would enhance employee job satisfaction and commitment to organizations.
Key words: Organizational Culture; Human Resource Management Orientations; Employee Outcomes; Kenyans’ Civil Service.
CITATION: Woyengo, P M. N., Nzulwa, J., Odhiambo, R. (2019). Influence of organizational culture on employee outcomes: the moderating effect of human resource management orientations in Kenyas’ civil service. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (3), 621 – 626.
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