This study sought to investigate the strategic management factors that affect the performance of SACCOs. This study took place in Machakos sub-county which had 42 registered deposit taking SACCOs and studied the following objectives:- to determine the influence of management competency on performance of SACCOs, to examine the influence of corporate governance on performance of SACCOs in Machakos Sub- county, To examine the influence of ICT on performance of SACCOS , to evaluate the influence of competitive strategies on performance of SACCOs in Machakos Sub -county and to come up with recommendations on ways to improve sustainability and high performance of SACCOs. The study was guided by agency theory which identifies well with corporate governance structure and stake holder’s theory which identifies well with cooperatives which were serving the interests of varying stakeholders in society. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. By use of questionnaires, 42 respondents who comprised of chief executive officers and board of directors of the DT-SACCOs; who in this case were the target population, were interviewed. Data was collected using observation and key informant interviews. Simple random sampling was the main method of sampling techniques employed in this study. The findings was significant to the scholarly world in that it had informed further research on strategic management practices affecting the SACCO sector and informed management of the SACCOs as it would act as a guide to setting up strategies of improving their performance. In conclusion the study recommended that SACCOs should ensure that their management teams possess the necessary competencies and skills so as to ensure high effectiveness and efficiency in their management work. From the findings the study further recommended that SACCOs should ensure proper structures are in place, invest in recent and efficient ICT applications and continuously formulate and implement strategies that can set them apart from their competitors and improve their profitability and sustainability.
Key Words: Management Competency, Corporate Governance, ICT, Competitive Strategies
CITATION: Mulei, D. M., Muhoho, J. & Mwangi, J. K. (2019). Strategic management factors affecting performance of deposit taking SACCOs in Machakos Sub -County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (3), 834 – 839.
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