Management with diversity of people improves performance. In strategic management, strategies are chosen and applied in accordance with the organizations goals. Mainstreaming strategy enable managers to consider input from different individuals based on their specific endowments, experiences, gender and background. The specific objective of this study was to determine the effect of gender balance strategy on organizational performance in Wakenya Pamoja Limited. The study adopted descriptive research design to evaluate the relationship between variables. The target population was 55 employees working in Wakenya Pamoja Limited. Census was done. A sampling unit was all the employees working at Wakenya Pamoja Limited. Data was collected by use of structured questionnaires and analyzed by the use of descriptive statistics such as mean, percentage and standard deviations. The findings recommended that gender balance strategy should be enhanced for improved performance. The findings would be of significance to the management of the organizations as may help in mainstreaming their employee’s for an impressive performance.
Key Words: Gender Balance, Strategy, Employee Performance
CITATION: Mwaura, S., Omari, S., & Wafula, C., (2019). The relationship between employee gender balance strategy and performance of Wakenya Pamoja SACCO Limited, Kisii town. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (3), 849 – 859.
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