Performance is key to every organization aspiring to achieve its aspired goals. Strategic determinants of performance are very critical for an organization’s success. This study looked into the human resources policies and leadership strategies and their effect on organizational performance. The study was guided by two specific objectives being to determine the influence of leadership on the universities performance and to determine the influence of human resource policies on the universities performance. The study employed a descriptive research design. A sample size of 51 employees was selected from a population of 165 employees within the private universities in Kenya. Primary data was collected through the use of a semi-structured questionnaire. The study used descriptive and inferential statistics through Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) tool. The study established that both leadership and human resources strategies had significant influence on the performance of the private universities. The study recommended that the management should have in place clear tenure periods on leaders which greatly sensitize them on the delivery performance expectations bestowed on them. Management should focus seriously on matters pertaining staff welfare. This is by equipping them with the skills for knowledge enhancement, having in place a disputes handling committee; and allowing them join in affiliations with workers union for the safeguarding of their interests. It also recommended embracement of technological development to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in the private universities as the world is very dynamic and competitive, hence performance achievement.
Key words: Strategic determinants, human resources policies, leadership, organizational performance
CITATION: Ndung’u, M. W., Njoroge, J. & Kahuthia, J. (2019). Effects of leadership and human resource on performance of selected private universities in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (3), 895 – 906.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v6i3.1366
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