This study aimed at analysing the factors hindering the implementation of green procurement within the automobile industry in Kenya basing it in a case study of Isuzu Kenya. 118 correspondents were targeted and this was adjusted to only 91 sample size respondents. Descriptive research design was engaged and a stratified random sampling method was used to pick a sample of the respondents that were provided with questionnaires to fill. The target population comprised 118 employees. The sample size was selected using Slovin’s formula. The data collected was analysed by use of descriptive and inferential statistics. The quantitative data generated was keyed in and analysed by use of Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) to generate information which was presented using tables, charts, frequencies and percentages. The linear regression model was used to show the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variables. From the findings in the study, it was without doubt that, presently, there lacked structural and organizational models that support green procurement implementation within entities. Moreover, the cost of green procurement was considered relatively high and thus acting as a stumbling block to firms that may wish to court green procurement. Resources essential for the implementation of green procurement were scarcely available and extremely limited thus hindering green procurement implementation. The study recommended that it is fundamental for organizations and all affected stakeholders that there exists support mechanisms and structures that support the implementation of green procurement. Decision making should be well articulated and those affected mostly should play a pivotal role in making changes. Policies and procedures must be embraced and put in place if green procurement is to be a success, a reduction in costs related to green procurement and proper allocation of resources is fundamental in successful implementation of green procurement. Significantly, the role of employees and their capabilities define how effective implementation of green procurement is.
Key Words: Organization Structure, Procurement Policies, Cost Of Green Procurement, Firm Resources Capacity
CITATION: Makori, E. O., Datche, E., & Nondi, R. (2019). Factors affecting the implementation of green procurement in the automobile assembling industry in Kenya: A case study of Isuzu Motors. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (4), 63 – 77.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v6i4.1372
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