Persistent in food insecurity in Turkana County motivated this study to investigate influence of county government mitigation strategies on sustainability of food security in Turkana County, Kenya. The study was based on exploratory research design and targeted 113 respondents comprised of Sub county, ward and village administrators, agricultural officers and program officers of NGOs in the County. Primary data was collected by means of self-administered structured questionnaires. A pilot study was done in Baringo County where 10 respondents were selected to participate in the pilot study. Descriptive analysis such as frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviation were utilized whereas inferential statistics assessed nature and the strength of the relationships. Analyzed data was presented in tables. SPSS version 24 computer software was used to compute statistical data. A total of 82 respondents out of the sampled 89 respondents returned completely filled questionnaires representing a response rate of 92.1%, thus good for generalizability of research findings to a wider population. The study findings revealed that conflict resolution strategy, agricultural production strategy and community coping strategy had positive (while relief food distribution strategy had negative) significant influence on sustainability of food security in Turkana County, Kenya. The study concluded that one; peaceful conflict resolution in Turkana County is a mandatory strategy to enable community members peacefully settle down and engage in farming activities that can foster sustainable food security in Turkana County and two; the agricultural production strategy as envisaged in the current County investment strategic plan can enhance sustainable food security in Turkana County if achievably implemented. The study recommended that Turkana county government in liason with the local community leaders should craft feasible conflict resolution strategies that can promote peaceful co-existence among all communities and attract investors in agribusiness activities. The Turkana county government should practically implement the agricultural production strategy as envisaged in the Turkana County Investment Plan (2016-2020); so as foster sustainable food security in the county.
Key Words: Conflict Resolution, Agricultural Production, Relief Food, Community Coping, Food Insecurity
CITATION: Erupe, A. E., & Otinga, H. N. (2019). Influence of county government mitigation strategies on sustainability of food security in Turkana County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (4), 178 – 193.
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