The general objective of the study was to establish the influence of leadership practices on strategic implementation by parastatals in Kenya. The specific objectives was to establish the influence of Employees involvement on strategy implementation in the energy sector Parastatals, to establish the influence of Staff motivation on strategy implementation in the energy sector Parastatals, to investigate the influence of Resource Mobilization on Strategy Implementation in the Energy Sector Parastatals and to establish the influence of leadership styles on strategy implementation in the energy sector Parastatals in Kenya. The study adopted descriptive research design whereby all the energy providing firms were engaged in the study and data was gathered from primary sources through interviews and Questionnaires. The study target population was 312 Energy Sector Parastatals in Kenya with a sample size of 31 respondents. The findings of the study would be of benefit to different groups and agencies for the purpose of implementation of the Government energy policy and suggestion of good ways of managing the organization. The data then was collected, analyzed and evaluated for usefulness, consistency, credibility and adequacy. The data was analyzed through the help of SPSS version 21.0. The findings clearly indicated that the most effective aspect of resource mobilization included strategies for growth; the company had a reliable record-keeping system to provide information to managers on project costs and time management, the organization relied on business intelligence to reduce operational costs when implementing strategies. Idealized Influence from leadership displayed a sense of power and confidence towards the successful implementation of strategy.
Key Words: Employees involvement, Staff motivation, Resource Mobilization, leadership styles, Strategy
CITATION: Lichoro, M. M., & Litunya, R. (2019). Influence of leadership practices on strategy implementation in the energy sector Parastatals in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (4), 248 – 261.
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