The main objective of the research study was to establish the determinants of road construction project completion in Nairobi City County. The study specific aim was to evaluate how project manager’s competence influence road construction projects completion in Nairobi City County, to determine how project funds influence road construction projects completion in Nairobi City County, to examine how project equipment influence efficient road construction projects completion in Nairobi City County and to examine how Technology adoption influence efficient road construction projects completion in Nairobi City County. The study was undertaken on all KURA offices in Nairobi. The target population comprised of all members of staff in all IT, Finance, and construction departments. The fact that the organizations’ head offices were all based in Nairobi made the collection of data more convenient, reliable and accurate. The study applied a descriptive research design. The study population comprised of 1,200 members of staff working in KURA in Nairobi. The study applied a stratified random sampling technique to select a sample size of 138 respondents. The gathered data were analysed using descriptive statistics aided by Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) version 22 and findings presented on tables. Inferential statistics using multiple regression analysis was applied to determine the relationship between the research variables. The study found out that project manager’ competency, project fund, project automated equipment and project technology have positive and significant effect on road construction project completion. Based on the findings above the study concluded that project manager’ competency, project fund, project automated equipment and project technology have an influence in road construction project completion in Nairobi county. The study recommended that project managers should be actively involved in the project from start to the end and that they require to be trained effectively to sharpen their skills hence successfully executes their duties. The study also recommended the implementation of technological systems since it can either act as a medium for change or be the means of achieving a desired change in a project therefore good to employ technology to enable successful completion of construction project.
Key Words: Competence, Project Funding, Equipment, Technology, Road Construction
CITATION: Muriuki, R. M., & Moronge, M. (2019). Determinants of road construction project completion in Nairobi County, A case of Kenya Urban Roads Authority (KURA) listed contractors. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (4), 347 – 360.
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