This study looked into the influence of procurement system integration on supply chain performance in Kenya’s State Corporations. The study targeted all the 128 state corporations in Kenya which were 128 in total. The study used descriptive research design. Primary data was collected using the questionnaire. Descriptive statistics such as mean and frequencies and inferential statistics (regression and correlation analysis) were used to perform data analysis. Primary data collected using questionnaires was adopted for the study. The study findings indicated employee skills, ICT applications, costs, quality management and time management significantly and positively influences effective procurement system integration on supply chain performance in Kenya’s State Corporations. The study concluded that state corporations should enhance their employees’ skills, integrate their procurement system to create awareness on system management, ensure there is sufficient ICT applications, integrate their procurement system so as to ensure there is short transaction cycle. The study recommended supply chain companies in state corporations to adopt integrated procurement systems so as to enhance their employees skills thereby leading to awareness on system management. The study further recommended state corporations to equip their employees with relevant skills especially with respect to system utilization. The study recommended state corporations to ensure enhanced their employee skills through integrated procurement systems. There is also need for state corporations to ensure they have integrated procurement system. Supply chain companies in state corporations to ensure they adopt integrated procurement systems to enhance their Enterprise resource planning. Further, supply chain companies to enhance the integration of their procurement systems as it has a positive influence on overall organization quality management. To ensure there is total quality management, supply chain companies in state corporations in Kenya should integrate their procurement systems. Supply chain companies in Kenya should adopt integrated procurement systems.
Key Words: Employee Skills, ICT Applications, Costs, Quality Management, Time Management, Procurement Systems
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