This study investigated the influence of green procurement practices on procurement performance in the county government of Vihiga, Kenya. The study adopted descriptive research design and targeted 118 respondents that were perceived to influence the procurement performance function in the county government of Vihiga; from where Yamame sampling formula was used to get a sample size of 92 respondents who were selected using simple random sampling to participate in the study. Structured questionnaires were used to collect data. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were computed using SPSS version 23. Descriptive statistics summarized data using frequencies and percentages as well as measures of central tendency (means) and dispersion (standard deviation) while for inferential statistics, regression and correlation analysis was used to determine both the nature and the strength of the relationship between study variables. Analyzed data was presented in form of tables. Both descriptive and inferential statistics showed that all independent variables (supplier certification, green procurement policy, green ordering lead times and green sourcing costs) significantly influenced procurement performance in the county government of Vihiga, Kenya. The study concluded that one, supplier certification significantly influences green procurement performance, because only qualified and certified suppliers of green products and service was evaluated and prequalified for supply of green products in county governments, and two, adherence to green procurement policy by certified suppliers of green products as enforced by county procurement offices could improve green procurement performance in county governments. The study recommended that one, the procurement office in county governments should ensure that they only certified green products suppliers were prequalified to supply green products and services in the county, two; there should be a stringent enforcement of green procurement policy in all county governments to ensure environmental conservation and biodiversity, and three, procurement committees in county governments should only award green supply tenders to certified suppliers with minimal green ordering lead time so as to avoid cases of delayed delivery of procured goods or services.
Key Words: supplier certification, green procurement, green ordering lead times, sourcing costs
CITATION: Shilungu, M. M., & Miroga, J. (2019). Influence of green procurement practices on procurement performance in the county government of Vihiga, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (4), 633 – 649
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