This study sought to determine the factors that influence the sustainability of the E-Waste management projects. Its specific objectives included: to establish the influence of stakeholder partnership on the sustainability of e-waste management projects; to determine the influence of technology on the sustainability of e-waste management projects; to examine the influence of planning on the sustainability on e-waste management projects; and to establish the influence of monitoring and evaluation on sustainability of e-waste management projects. This study applied a descriptive research design and focus on a target population of 150 employees of 50 organizations in Kenya. The study used a census approach where the entire population was used in the sample since the study population was less than 200. It used self-administered questionnaires on 150 members of the target population and gave the respondents two weeks to complete the questionnaires before collection. The collected data was analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics with the aid of SPSS. The results were then presented using tables. The results indicated that organisations had been able to identify stakeholders, planning of stakeholder engagement, management of stakeholder engagement, and monitoring of stakeholder engagement had not been accomplished adequately. The organisations also ensured the development of appropriate IT skills and knowledge amongst their staff but they had not been able to translate these skills and knowledge into the application of social media, the internet and technological equipment in the pursuit of sustainability of e-waste projects. The organisations under review in the study had also prioritised the welfare of the societies where they operated as well as the establishment of appropriate mechanisms for protecting the environment. The study recommended that organisations should endeavour to raise awareness amongst the employees about various stakeholder engagement initiatives; they should also conduct research and development, in ways which they can incorporate social media technology, the internet and technological equipment into the e-waste projects; and recruit the services of M&E experts to develop detailed M&E frameworks.
Key words; Stakeholder Partnership, Technology, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Sustainability of E-Waste Management Projects
CITATION: Oteyo, A. O., & Ngugi, P. (2019). Determinants of sustainable e-waste management projects in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (4), 692 – 708
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