The purpose of the current study was to examine the influence of Material handling practices on performance of manufacturing firms in Nairobi Kenya. The specific objectives was to determine the influence of material stock control on Performance of large-scale manufacturing firms in Nairobi, to examine the influence of material handling automation on Performance of large-scale manufacturing firms in Nairobi, to determine the influence of Material packaging on Performance of large-scale manufacturing firms in Nairobi and to examine the influence of material logistics planning on Performance of large-scale manufacturing firms in Nairobi. The study adopted descriptive survey design and the target population was 355 large -scale-manufacturing firms in Nairobi county Kenya. Stratified random sampling was adopted to select a sample size of 188 large-scale manufacturing firms in Nairobi County, Kenya. Primary data was collected using structured questionnaires inform of Likert scale. The general managers of each manufacturing firm selected were involved in data collection. Filled questionnaires were reviewed for completeness and then coded and entered in SPSS. Data analysis was involved both descriptive and inferential statistics. The analysed data was presented inform of tables together with associated explanations.” A good response rate of 71.3% was realized. It was established that most of the material handling practices indicators have positive impact on performance of the firm. The study further adopted a regression analysis to determine the relationship between the variables at 5% confidence level of significance. The study findings showed that the four variables had a significant influence on performance of the firms. The study recommended that a similar research should be conducted in a different field
Key Words: Material Stock Control, Automation, Material Packaging, Logistics Planning
CITATION Kisioya, D. K., & Moronge, M. (2019). Influence of material handling practices on performance of large scale manufacturing firms in Nairobi County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (4), 745 – 760
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