The study established how Order quantity affect the Stock levels in retail supermarkets outlets. It determined how Vendor managed inventories affects the Stock Levels in retail supermarkets outlets. It also establishes how the transport affects the stock levels in retail supermarket outlets and determines how Customers affects the stock levels in retail supermarket outlets. It ranged from materials, items and products brought to the supermarkets retail outlets. The survey indicated that there were 226 retail supermarkets outlets in the Country and 102 retail supermarkets outlets within Nairobi County. The researcher took a study of 99 retail supermarkets outlets for the study and used 3 retail supermarket outlets in Pilot study. These included Gilani Supermarkets, Magunas supermarket and Ole Moran supermarkets. The Researcher used descriptive research design to carry out the research Study. A study population of 99 respondents was used. The researcher used the survey method to carry out the study of research in retail supermarkets outlets. Out of the 99 questionnaires there were 68 respondents. Primary and secondary method was employed by the Researcher in data collection. Drop and pick method was used to collect the data from the respondents. Structured questionnaires were made and given to the respondents and personal interviews were also employed in the data collection. There were various levels of departments involved in its operations which included the Tuskys, Naivas, Carryfour, Quick Mart and Uchumi Supermarkets with five departments. There was Response rate, Pilot study and Reliability of the Research instruments and Demographic findings. The Data collected was analyzed and presented in frequency tables and figures through Model summary, Analysis of variance and Coefficient analysis. Recommendations were made from the research study and recommendations for further studies made in other Business environments.
Key Words: Order quantity, Vendor Managed Inventories, Transport, Customers, Retail Supermarket
CITATION Maina, Z. K., & Ngugi, P. K. (2019). Factors affecting stock levels in retail supermarket outlets in Nairobi County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (4), 869 – 884
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v6i4.1434
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