The study was carried out to establish the influence of Supplier motivation programs on procurement performance of Butali and West Kenya Sugar factories in Kakamega County. The study evaluated supplier motivation programs that were in place and how they had influenced procurement performance of the study firms. The target population was made up of 283 Butali and Western Kenya sugar companies. A sample size of 166 employees was used out of which 137 employees responded to the research questions. Questionnaire was used as the principal instruments for data collection. The study was grounded on theoretical foundations of Resource Demand Theory, Theory of constraint and Social exchange Theory. Cross-Section Survey research design was adopted for the study. The study found out that the study institutions had embraced a number of incentives in their supplier development. The study further established that supplier motivation was highly positive (61%) and significantly related to procurement performance of the variability in procurement performance in West Kenya and Butali sugar factories. The study therefore upheld the hypothesis that postulated that there was no significant difference between the influence of supplier motivation and procurement Performance. The study therefore recommended that for superior procurement performance for sugar manufacturing factories, management need to prioritize on supplier motivation as a way of building competitive advantage.
Key Words: Development Programs; Supplier Motivation; Procurement Performance
CITATION: Namunane, C. N., & Muthini, J. N. (2019). Influence of supplier motivation practices on procurement performance of west Kenya and Butali Sugar Factories in Kakamega County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (4), 954 – 961.
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