This study investigated the influence of technical capacity on road construction projects performance in Busia County, Kenya. The study adopted descriptive survey design and targeted 123 officers consisting of prequalified contractors in Busia County, local community leaders (ward administrators, youth leaders), area MCAs, employees from County Transport and Infrastructure department, Contractors technical staff, Government road engineers, KeRRA officers, KURA officers, technical staff from surveying department, Civic education leaders from civic education department and engineers from National Construction authority (NCA). A pilot study was done in an established road contractors firm in Bungoma County to test instrument validity and reliability. Data was collected by structured questionnaires. The study concluded that technical capacity significantly influences performance of road construction projects, thus, any improvement in the road contractors’ technical capacity would yield a significant progress in performance of road construction projects in Busia County. The study recommended that that all road contractors, road maintenance personnel and regulatory authorities linked to county road constructions must possess requisite technical capacity in road construction and maintenance so as to improve county road construction projects quality and performance.
Key Words: Technical Capacity, Road Construction
CITATION: Ngaira, A. M., & Malenya, A. (2019). Influence of technical capacity on county road construction projects performance in Busia County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (4), 971 – 979
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