The study examined the effects of group saving services on Socio Economic empowerment of Women in Dagoretti Constituency in Nairobi. The study adopted the descriptive survey design where data was collected by use of interviews and questionnaires to get primary data. Secondary data was used to validate the primary data. The study involved a sample size of 180 members. The study involved a sample of 327 members drawn using simple random sampling from a population of 327 women members of Rosca in Dagoretti constituency. A total of 327 questionnaires were administered with a return of 180 completed questionnaires making the rate of 72.2%. The study relied on Pearson’s correlation, linear regression and content analysis to draw inferences from the responses using SPSS-24. The findings revealed a very strong, positive and statistically significant relationship between group saving services and socio-economic empowerment of women in Kenya. The study recommended that the groups should well pursue viable and economical external sources of funding to boost their capital base. There was need for both county and national governments to sensitize women across the country to embrace these associations, since they had the potential to reduce the levels of poverty and enhance general living standards. The researcher recommended that Rosca group members should consider increasing the amounts of their contributions and savings and uphold high levels of financial discipline.
Key Words: Group Saving, Social Economic Empowerment
CITATION: Muhambe, C. M., & Sakwa, M. (2019). Effect of group saving services on socio economic empowerment of women in Dagoretti Constituency in Nairobi. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (4), 1135 – 1147
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v6i4.1453
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