This study investigated the impact of women owned Micro and Small Enterprises income on the well-being of women-led households in Juja Sub-County, Kiambu County. The study acknowledged that Juja sub-county faced challenges in attaining a positive well-being for women-led households. The study employed a cross-section study design since it is proper for explaining data collected during a particular time.The target population was 25,959 women-owned MSEs from Juja sub-county wards (Murera, Theta, Juja, Weiteithie, and Kalimoni). The study used stratified random sampling with a sample size of 384 households. Data collection was conducted using close-ended questionnaires. After cleaning, data was entered in the SPSS and analyzed using descriptive statistics like counts, percentages, and frequencies. The multi-regression analysis was utilized in examining the impact of several independent variables on the dependent variable. Spearman’s correlation coefficient was employed to measure the strength of this relationship. Data was presented using tables. The study concluded that income amount, dependability and continuity among the women owning MSE’s had a positive impact on their well-being. The study recommended that both the county and national governments needs to train women on best business management practices to help improve their financial outcomes (income and profits).
Key Words: Women, Micro and Small Enterprises, Well-Being
CITATION: Otieno, E. A., & Sakwa, M. (2019). Impact of women owned micro and small enterprises’ income on the well-being of women-led households in Juja Sub-County, Kiambu County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (4), 1120 – 1134
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