In Kenya, the manufacturing sector is important and it makes a substantial contribution to the country’s economic development. But in recent years, the sector’s contribution to gross domestic product (GDP) has worsened due to unforeseen disruptions like workers strikes, terrorist activities, draught incidences, volatility in international oil prices and high cost of production. Therefore, the biggest challenge for the manufacturing sector is on how to deal with unexpected disruptions in order to build supply chain resilience. Thus, the general objective of this study is to investigate enhancers for building supply chain resilience in manufacturing firms in Kenya. The study will adopt cross-sectional survey design using both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The target population will be 613 manufacturing firms in Nairobi and its surroundings, who are members of Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM). The study will use stratified random sampling to pick a sample size of 62 manufacturing firms which represents 14 industrial sectors in manufacturing firms. Data will be collected using questionnaire. Descriptive statistics will be used aided by Statistical Packages for Social Sciences version 21 to compute percentages of respondents’ answers. Inferential statistics using linear regression and correlation analysis will be applied to assist examining relationship between the research variables.
Key Words: Enhancers, Supply Chain, ResilienceFull Text:
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v2i2.146
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