The main objective of this study was to find out how the technological, organizational and environmental factors affect the adoption of cloud computing services within insurance industries in Kenya with a case study of UAP-Old mutual. The study was anchored on Technological, Organizational and Environmental model; technology acceptance model and Innovation Diffusion theory in its argument. The study used descriptive research design and adopted the stratified random technique. The target population consisted of 483 employees at the headquarters in Nairobi out of which a sample of 215 was picked. This study used questionnaires with closed questions to extract responses from members of the sample population. Data collected was purely quantitative and it was analyzed with the aid of SPSS V23 and presented on tables, figures and charts. Additionally, the study used a multiple regression analysis for the purpose of analysing the relationship between the study variables. From results, Technological factors, Organizational factors and Environment factors all have a significant relationship with the adoption of cloud computing at 5% level of significance and 95% level of confidence. However based on the explanatory power of coefficient of determination the indepedent variables organizational factors had the highest expalantory power of 0.675 or 67.5%, P<0.05, thus being the most significant Variable; Environmental Factors had 0.575 or 57.5%, P<0.05 while Technological factors were the least significant with 0.527 or 52.7%, P<0.05). This showed that all the variables have significantly relationship with the dependent variable (adoption of Cloud Computing). The study also found that Technological factors affected the adoption of Cloud Computing at UAP-Old mutual; Organizational Factors had a positive influence on the adoption of Cloud computing at UAP-Old mutual; Further it was evident that Environmental factors have a significant influence on adoption to cloud computing at UAP-Old mutual. This showed that all the variables have a significant relationship with the dependent variable (Adoption of Cloud Computing). The study further recommended that to be able to develop new ideas, employees must have enough knowledge about the field they operate in to move it forward. To support this, a work environment that is tolerant and welcomes new ideas.
Key Words: Technological, Organizational, Environmental, Cloud Computing
CITATION: Ajowi, B., & Reuben, J. (2019). Technological, organizational and environmental factors on the adoption of cloud computing in insurance industries in Kenya: A case study of UAP-Old Mutual, Nairobi, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (4), 1342 – 1363.
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