Strategy implementation is vital for the achievement of organizational goals and objectives. Most organizations and companies know their businesses and strategies required for achieving organizational goals and objectives. However, many of these organizations struggle to translate strategy from theory to action. The dynamic nature of the service industry which is characterized by increasing demand for air transportation services led to the establishment of a civil aviation regulator and air navigation services provider cater for these needs. The study used a descriptive survey research design to establish the effect of organizational culture on strategy implementation at Kenya Civil Aviation Authority. The target population for this study included all the senior level managers, middle level managers and lower/operational level professional staff in the KCAA who are 796 in number. A sample size of 80 respondents was selected by simple random technique. This represented 10% of the target population. The results revealed that leadership has a significant role in strategy implementation at the KCAA while communication, reward and recognition, and team orientation were not very significant for strategy implementation at KCAA.
Keywords: Strategy Implementation, Organizational Culture, Leadership, Reward and Recognition
CITATION: Ngigi, P. K., & Namusonge, R. (2019). Organizational culture and strategy implementation at the Kenya Civil Aviation Authority. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (4), 1481 – 1493.
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