This study examined the relationship between self- awareness and human relations policy implementation of manufacturing companies in Port Harcourt. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey design. Primary data was generated through self-administered questionnaire. The population of the study was 106 employees from 16 manufacturing companies in Port Harcourt while the sample size of 84 was determined by the Taro Yamene’s formula. The reliability of the instrument was achieved by the use of the Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient with a benchmark of 0.70 as a minimum threshold. The hypotheses were tested using the Spearman’s Rank Order Correlation Coefficient with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 23.0. The tests were carried out at a 95% confidence interval and a 0.05 level of significance. The study findings revealed that there is a significant relationship between self-awareness and human relations policy implementation of manufacturing companies in Port Harcourt. The study recommended that the managers of the manufacturing companies in Port Harcourt should ensure to create programmes and avenues that would lead to the self-awareness of the employee with respect to their value to their jobs as this would increase productivity.
Keywords: Self-Awareness, Human Relations Policy Implementation, Conflict Resolution, Employee Communication, Employee Occupational Health and Safety
CITATION: Enefiok, P. A., Asawo, S. P., & Tamunomiebi, M. D. (2019). Self-awareness and human relations policy implementation of manufacturing companies in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (4), 1607 – 1618.
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