This study examined the relationship between trade union participation and workplace employment contract in Nigeria. The study adopted cross sectional research design. The population for this study included 179 respondents from the Ministry of Labour and Employment (MLE), the Trade Union (TU) and Employer’s Associations. The sample size of 124 was determined using Taro Yamene techniques. The hypotheses were tested using the Pearson Moment Product Correlation Coefficient with the aid of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 23.0. The result revealed that trade union participation significantly influences workplace employment contract. Relying on this finding, the study concluded that trade union participation affects workplace employment contract in Nigeria through contract formation, performance and termination. The study thus recommended that trade union should continue to participate in economic tripartite arrangement to ensure that the formation, performance and termination of workplace employment contract are carried out as stipulated in the Nigerian labour laws in order to ensure harmonious workplace employment relations in Nigeria. Also, trade union should endeavour to address their level of participation not to focus on their interest seeking alone but to actively participate in order to build a consensus on the matter that borders on employment contract which would improve workplace employment relations in Nigeria.
Keywords: Trade Union Participation, Employment Contract, Contract Formation, Contract Performance, Contract Termination
CITATION: Sholokwu, B. M. (2020). Trade union participation and workplace employment contract in Nigeria. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(1), 247 – 262.
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