This research aimed to establish the drivers that affect the uptake of Standards in the manufacturing sector in Kenya, with specific objectives being to find out how project portfolio management, stakeholders’ management, organization process assets and enterprise environmental factors affect the uptake of Kenya Standards. The research was hinged on Complexity theory, organization theory, efficient frontier approach and Multi criteria utility theory. The target population for this study was 20, 671 where 5,983 of them were small manufacturers while 14, 688 of them were large manufacturers that were actively in production and were certified KEBS. The data was collected using structured questionnaires that were issued to the heads of production in various companies. The uptake of these Standards were determined then stratified into four main disciplines based on KEBS structure of technical sections i.e. Engineering, Food and Agriculture, Chemical and Services sections. From each stratum, entire number of the standards was considered for the purposes of this study, of which the data was collected from the respondents (Standards buyers) by the use of a semi structured questionnaire. The data obtained was analyzed using SPSS version 20 and results presented in form of tables and graphs. The study concluded that projects portfolio management, stakeholders’ management, organization process assets and enterprise environmental factors all have an influence in the uptake of Standards in the manufacturing sector in Kenya. The study recommended that relevant departments in KEBS should adopt better project portfolio management, stakeholders’ management, leverage on organization process assets and enterprise environmental factors to realize higher uptake of Standards in Kenya.
Key Words; Project Portfolio Management, Stakeholders’ Management, Organization Process Assets, Enterprise Environmental Factors, Uptake of Kenya’s Standardization Projects
CITATION: Amwayi W. O., & Gitau, R. (2020). Drivers of national standardization projects and their uptake in the manufacturing sector in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(1), 341 – 356.
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