Over the years, employee performance has been identified as one of the organization’s most important key ingredient for its performance, growth and global competitiveness. It is a common cause that every employee in a business should understand the objectives and pull in the same direction to maximize profit and growth towards achieving the performance of that business. However, there is a measure of unsuccessful stories in this regard especially where employee performance issues occupy the center stage; morale, commitment and performance are negatively affected. The general objective of this study was to establish the drivers influencing employee performance in airline industry in Kenya. The study adopted descriptive survey and target population was 1714 employees in Kenya Airways headquarters and sample of 171 employees or 10% of the target population was used in this study. A stratified sampling technique method was used and data was collected through the use of questionnaires. A pilot study was conducted to pretest the validity and reliability of instruments for data collection. The data was analyzed by use of both qualitative and quantitative methods with the help of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21 and excel. The study established that human resource policies, reward management, work environment and leadership influenced positively and significantly the performance of Kenya Airways. The analysis showed that reward management had the strongest positive (Pearson correlation coefficient =.713) influence on employee performance. In addition, human resource policies, work environment and leadership style are positively correlated to employee performance (Pearson correlation coefficient =.544, .655 and .651).The study established that use of human resource policies influenced Employees’ performance in Kenya Airways to a great extent. In this regard, the study recommends that government and other supporting partners should undertake research to come up with the best approaches of human resource policies to increase Employees’ performance in Kenya Airways. This can be done by paying particular attention by involving the employees through influence of training, job manuals and continuous new hire, rewarding employees, provide a conducive working environment efficient and effective leadership style management in decision making. The study also recommends for similar studies to be undertaken for the generalization of the findings of the study.
Key Words: Drivers, Employee Performance
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