This study sought to establish the influence of promotion on employee job satisfaction in the Revenue Department of the County Government of Kakamega. The study was guided by; Goal setting Theory and Equity theory. Promotion was operationalized as independent variable while dependent variable was employee satisfaction at the Revenue Department of the County Government of Kakamega. The study targeted 381 employees that included the County head of revenue, regional revenue officers, Strategic members, sub county revenue officers, and 358 revenue collectors. Stratified sampling method was used. Data was collected by use of a questionnaire whose items were adapted from the relevant previous studies. Percentages were used to initially analyze the data and the results presented in tables. Inferential statistics were obtained by carrying out correlations analysis; bivariate, and multiple linear regression analyses, to test for the degree of association (correlations) between variables in relation to the relationship between Promotion Practices and Employee Job Satisfaction. Results in the study indicated that; Promotion has a positive and significant influence on Employee Job Satisfaction (r=0.569**, p˂ 0.01). The results revealed that there is a positive and significant relationship between Promotion and Employee Job Satisfaction in the Revenue Department in the County Government of Kakamega. It was clear therefore that, Promotion practices should always be considered as a key component and outcome of strategic human resource management for enhanced employee Job satisfaction and performance. Organizations should consider promotion as an important Reward Management Practice if they are to retain their employees and ensure they are satisfied at the place of work. The study recommended a longitudinal research for an in-depth examination of other promotion Practices and Employee Job Satisfaction.
Key Words: Promotion, Job Satisfaction
CITATION: Musambi, C. W., & Juma, D. (2020). Relationship between promotion and employee job satisfaction in county governments in Kenya; A case of county government of Kakamega. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(1), 458 – 468.
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