This study investigated the relationship between supervisor support and corporate performance of manufacturing firms in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Primary data was generated through structured questionnaire. The population of the study was 120 employees of seven (7) selected manufacturing companies in Port Harcourt. Sampling was not used as the entire population was studied as a census. The reliability of the instrument was achieved by the use of the Cronbach Alpha coefficient with all the items scoring above 0.70. The hypotheses were tested using the Spearman’s Rank Order Correlation Statistics with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 23.0. The tests were carried out at a 95% confidence interval and a 0.05 level of significance. The results from the data analysis revealed that there is a significant positive relationship between supervisor support and corporate performance of manufacturing firms in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. The study recommended that managers must understand that employees in their organizations must be treated as the most liquid assets of the organization which would make the organization through effective supervisor support and relationship.
Keywords: Supervisor Support, Corporate Performance, Growth, Service Quality, Timeliness
CITATION: Haidome, H. A. (2020). Supervisor support and corporate performing of manufacturing firms in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(1), 525 – 536.
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