The main purpose of this paper was to examine the relationship between organizational citizenship behavior, psychological empowerment and competitive advantage of the public health sector in Kenya. The research aimed to appraise the existing literatures and eventually set future research agenda on this theme. Past studies revealed that there are relationships between OCB and competitive advantage but with limited studies in the Public health sector. Literature revealed limited studies assessing the moderation of psychological empowerment on the effect of OCB on competitive advantage. Furthermore, the extant literature also encapsulates the relationships between psychological empowerment and organizational citizenship behavior and competitive advantage hinging on social exchange theories. However, results from the existing literatures are shown to be inconsistent and limited in the public health sector. This coupled with poor service delivery and overall performance of the public health facilities owing to poor organizational citizenship behavior compromises on sustaining their competitive advantage set the agenda. This study concentrated in the public health sector in the Kenyan context, what is the relationship between OCB, psychological empowerment and competitive advantage? What elements are essential in increasing competitive advantage in the perception of psychological empowerment for OCB? The paper concluded with suggestions for management of public health facilities to focus on enhancing psychological empowerment and OCB for competitive advantage of the public health sector.
Keywords: Psychological Empowerment, Organizational Citizenship Behaviour, Competitive advantage, Public health facilities
CITATION: K’osuri, M. A., & Otuya, W. (2020). Organizational citizenship behaviour, psychological empowerment and competitive advantage of the public health sector in Kenya. A review. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(1), 601 – 614.
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