This paper delved into the challenges facing ethical leadership and governance in Kenya with specific reference to the County of Uasin Gishu. Several studies had indicated that public and private institutions in Kenya face governance challenges as a result of lack of and/or inadequate ethical leadership. This paper argued that entrenchment of ethical leadership practices can ameliorate governance challenges that bedevil counties in Kenya. The study adopted descriptive survey research design, where the target population comprised of elected and non-elected leaders in Uasin Gishu County (N=728). The sample size was obtained through stratified sampling techniques, purposive sampling and random sampling to produce 352 respondents. Questionnaires were used for data collection. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and presented using tables and figures. Analysis of data established that effectiveness of ethical leadership and governance is hindered by uncommitted top leadership that is necessitated by insufficient structures and procedures to guide implementation of ethical code of conduct. In addition, the study established that rigid organizational culture affected effectiveness of ethical leadership, which poses a risk to important organizational assets, such as brand reputation and talent. Study findings revealed that organizational structure influences effectiveness of ethical culture in addition to low levels of competence among the staff. Level of resourcefulness influences managers’ professionalism on ethical leadership and governance. The study established that ethical leadership on governance faces plethora of challenges. The study concluded that challenges facing ethical leadership and governance showed that dwindling support from top managers, rigid organizational culture, level of staff competence, managers’ professionalism, and organizational structure affect effectiveness of ethical leadership and governance. The extent to which those with authority communicate with everyone and how much they allow those that work below them to participate determines how successful organizations will be.
Keywords: Ethics, Governance, Public Sector
CITATION: Kosgey, H. K., Ongera, A., & Thuo, M. (2020). Challenges facing ethical leadership and governance in Kenya. A case of Uasin Gishu County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(1), 615 – 627.
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