The general objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of project monitoring practices on implementation of road construction projects. The study was carried out in Kilifi County, Kenya. This study was guided by the following specific objectives; determine the effect of communication, determine the effect of monitoring tools, investigate the influence of stakeholder’s participation, establish the effect of staff competency on implementation of road construction projects in Kilifi County. The research study adopted a descriptive research design targeting 150 project managers, committee members, monitoring committee employees of (KeNHA, KeRRA, KURA and KWS) and stakeholders in Kilifi County. A closed ended structured questionnaire was used to collect primary data from 109 sampled respondents. A pilot study was conducted to ascertain the reliability and validity of the instruments. The quality and consistency of the study was further assessed using Cronbach’s alpha. Data analysis was performed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 23. Data presentation was done using frequency counts, percentages, means, standard deviations, regression, correlation and the information was presented in form of tables. The findings of correlation analysis indicated that the project monitoring practices had positive and significant relationship with project implementation. The study, thus, concluded that thoroughness in project monitoring practices enhances road construction project implementation in Kilifi County: Perfection in project communication, project monitoring tools and techniques, staff competency and stakeholders participations, being the pillars, is imperative. The study recommended that road construction agencies adopt and invest in the same to enhance efficiency in project monitoring practices and implementation of road construction projects in Kilifi County.
Key Words: Communication, Monitoring Tools, Stakeholder’s Participation, Staff Competency
CITATION: Mutua, M. M., Juma , J., & Owuor, D. (2020). Effect of project monitoring practices on implementation of road construction projects. A case study of Kilifi County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(1), 664 – 685.
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