In resolving grievances, aggrieved employees will file their dissatisfaction through grievance procedure and their immediate managers or supervisors are responsible to take action within period given. Grievance procedures enable individual employees or union officials to challenge management over a wide range of wage and working conditions. This study sought to fill the existing research gaps by conducting a study to establish the effects of grievance handling procedure on conflict management in Kenya, with special focus on Kenya National Union of Teachers. This study adopted a descriptive survey. The population for this study was employees of Kenya National Union of Teachers head office in Nairobi. There are a total of 106 employees in Kenya National Union of Teachers head office in Nairobi. Sampling frame was the list of employees working in all level of management. Stratified random sampling was applied to select 53 respondents as the sample population. Data was collected using structured questionnaires. The questionnaires were tried out. The study administered the questionnaire individually to all respondents of the study. Data collected, was tabulated and analyzed for purpose of clarity, using SPSS version 20 software. Data was presented using tables, and pie charts to make them reader friendly. In addition, a multiple regression was used to measure the quantitative data and was analyzed using SPSS too. The study revealed that there were avenues present to address grievances in Kenya National Union of Teachers. The study also found that grievance capturing systems positively influence conflict management in Kenya National Union of Teachers. From the findings, the study concludes that grievance capturing systems plays role in conflict management in Kenya. Effective grievance handling process helps to improve conflict management in Kenya National Union of Teachers. The study also found that grievance handling process positively influence conflict management in Kenya National Union of Teachers. The study found that there was a positive significant relationship between grievance appeal system and conflict management in Kenya National Union of Teachers. The study also established that an effective grievance appeal system influence conflict management in Kenya National Union of Teachers. The study found that supervisor characteristic plays a great role in conflict management in Kenya National Union of Teachers.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v2i2.159
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