This study looked at the influence of organizational identification on Corporate Social Responsibility activities and employee commitment. Descriptive survey and correlation designs were used. The researcher used both open and closed questions, document analysis and interviews to collect data. The target population was 53,203 employees and simple random, stratified and purposive sampling was used to sample 381 employees. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The Statistical package for Social Sciences was used. Multiple linear regression models were used to determine whether mediating variable significantly influenced Employee Commitment. The findings indicated that organizational identification partially mediated the relationship between internal corporate social responsibility and employee commitment; organizational identification completely mediated the relationship between external corporate social responsibility and employee commitment. The study recommended that managers should create programmes that will embed Corporate Social Responsibility culture into their firms in order to improve employee commitment. The study concluded that employees in companies listed in Nairobi Stock Exchange should participate in CSR activities in order to enhance their commitment.
Key Words: Organizational Identification, Corporate Social Responsibility, Employee Commitment
CITATION: Andiva, Z. K. (2020). Influence of organizational identification on corporate social responsibility activities and employee commitment to firms listed at Nairobi Stock Exchange in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(1), 878 – 892.
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