The purpose of this study was to analyse MSMEs entrepreneurs’ perceptions of operational and management skills and its influence on business growth in Otjomuise residential area, Windhoek. The study analysed the perception of MSMEs entrepreneurs’ operational management skills using quantitative research approaches. A sample of 16 owners, 29 employees, and 15 customers in the 16 MSMEs was drawn. The study found that MSMEs entrepreneurs perceived capacity building, financial management, customer service and marketing skills as the required operation management skills. Furthermore, they perceived customer service, marketing and financial management skills as crucial for business growth. It was equally found that MSMEs entrepreneurs’ perception of the required operation management skills was misaligned. However, there was an association between financial management skills as an aspect of operation management knowledge and skill and business growth. There was an equally significant relationship on the views of the MSMEs entrepreneurs on customer service as a required operation management knowledge and skills and business growth. The study recommended that MSMEs entrepreneurs needed capacity building training in operations and management skills to be able to manage their business operations effectively and achieve business growth. The study concluded that MSMEs entrepreneurs needed to have appropriate operations and management knowledge and skills to be able to achieve business success. The study further concluded that business operation and management knowledge and skills enabled business growth. Also MSMEs entrepreneur who had business operations and management skills achieved faster business growth.
Keywords: SME, Operations Management, Skills, Business Growth, Business Owners, Entrepreneur
CITATION: Nambira, G.,& Namene, K. (2020). Empirical evidence on the perceptions of MSMEs entrepreneurs on operational management knowledge, skills and business growth. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(1), 893 – 910.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v7i1.1598
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