The purpose of this study was to assess the human resource factors influencing staff retention in Kenya Red Cross society. The aim was to assess how the human resource factors that affect employee retention in the organization long-term, particularly how employee training, motivation influenced employee long term engagement with the organization and to come up with recommendations on what more can be done to further enhance their positive influence on long-term employee engagement with the organization. Descriptive research design was used with a total population of 45 employees in Eastern and Central regions of Kenya. A census was done instead of taking a sample to enhance accuracy. The response rate was at 88.9%. Quantitative approach was used to collect and analyse data from the questionnaires’ closed ended questions on a Likert scale to generate frequency distribution tables, data entry sums and averages. Qualitative technique was used to analyze open ended questions on the questionnaire and provide more-in-depth details. Data collected was analysed using SPSS statistical software, version 22. The study established that Human Resource management factors do indeed influence employee retention in an organization and their need to feel adequate to perform their jobs, sufficiently compensated for their performance and the need to see a potential for career and personal growth while working for the organization. The study found that there is a relationship between the independent and dependent variables and also that perception about one independent variable has an influence on perceptions about the other independent variable. Also, the organization had not fully and satisfactorily implemented their strategies in a manner that would encourage employees to want to stay in the organization long term, at least not to the desired level that would be of maximum benefit to the organization. It is recommended that the organization still needs to put more effort in its employee retention strategies to realize full benefits from long term retention of skilled employees.
Key Words: Human Resource Management Practices, Staff Retention
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