Organizational Learning and employee performance has been investigated without consistent conclusion. This study sought to investigate the influence of organizational learning on employee performance in Machakos County Government. It was premised on increasing the need for organizational learning in devolved government in order to improve employee performance. It was noted that there is scarcity of empirical studies focusing on balanced score card as measured by the level of learning to employee performance. The investigation was guided by Experiential Learning Theory, Adaptive Learning Theory, and Assimilation Theory. The study adopted descriptive survey design with the use of structured questionnaire, the collected data was cleaned and coded for descriptive, correlation and inferential analyses using SPSS version 24. The study had three objectives which were to establish the influence of management training on employee performances in Machakos County Government, to determine the influence of management development on employee performance in Machakos County Government and to establish the influence of organizational development on employee performance in Machakos County Government. The three objectives were met by testing the null hypothesizes and all were rejected and concluded their influence on employee performance. The finding of this investigation therefore, showed a very positive and significant relationship between organizational learning and employee performance.
Key words: Employee performance, Management training, Management Development, Organizational Development, Organizational learning
CITATION: Mulela, G. W., Sang, W., & Kilonzo, T. (2020). Influence of organizational learning on employee performance in Machakos County Government. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(3), 46 – 60.
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