In this age of turbulence, steering an organization to attain remarkable success depends on a leader’s ability to craft and effectively implement strategies. Strategies may fail to be implemented due to poor leadership. The main objective of the study was to examine implementation of strategic plans amongst commercial banks in Kenya: An analysis of leadership role. Specifically the study focused on leadership roles of communication and commitment. The study employed mixed research design. The study targeted 731 staff of Cooperative bank in Nairobi County. Data was collected from a sample of 252 staff. The study employed stratified and simple random sampling methods. Open ended and closed ended questionnaires were the main data collection tools. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. For descriptive statistics frequencies, mean, standard deviation and percentages were used and for inferential statistics Karl pearson’s correlation and regression analysis were used. Qualitative data was analyzed using content analysis. The study established that leadership role as measured through communication and commitment positively and significantly influenced implementation of strategic plans. The study recommended for leaders to not only ensure effective communication but also be committed in order to enhance effective implementation of strategic plans.
Key words: Communication, Commitment, Implementation of strategic plans, Leadership role
CITATION: Odero, J, A.,& Wanyama, E. W. (2020). Calibrating implementation of strategic plans amongst commercial banks in Kenya: An analysis of leadership role. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(3), 61 – 79.
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