Tourism sector in Africa plays a pivotal role in the national economies and has been identified as one of the priority industries to drive the economy to attain economic growth. This study sought to investigate the factors influencing tourist destination to Africa focusing on Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe. The study employed email administered questionnaires to collect data from 50 international tourists at Victoria Falls hotel. The major findings of this study was that, among other factors, quality experiences expectations, uniqueness of Victoria Falls and costs of travel and stay in the destination are influential factors influencing the choice of a particular tourist destination among international tourists. The tourists’ demographic characteristics which includes annual household income, age and occupational status were found to meaningfully influence international tourists’ definition in Africa. The destination characteristics were also significant factors influencing tourist destination to Africa. The results of this study also indicated that tourism price and travelling costs are the main economic factors influencing international tourism destination to Africa. The study recommended the reduction of travel costs through improving the infrastructures at the destinations so as to easy accessibility and stay and also setting reasonable prices and providing high quality services will increase the influences of choice of Victoria Falls as an international tourist destination.
Key Words: Tourist Destinations, Victoria Falls, Africa
CITATION: Makunike, M. E. T., Fuzhong, W., & Chongyan L. (2020). Factors influencing tourists’ destination to Africa: The case of Victoria Falls. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(3), 155 – 166.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v7i3.1663
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