The establishment of the devolved governance aimed at bringing resources to the local level and to improve the standard of living among Kenyan citizens. However, Kenya government still loses about one third of the national budget to corruption, with 80% of corruption cases presented before the Kenya Anti-corruption commission being about procurement. This has therefore led to poor procurement performance. Moreover, the process of procurement has resulted to loss of colossal amount money for both county and national governments as a result of supplier’s collusion, late deliveries, and ineptitudes in transactions, inadequate in accountability and transparency, inadequacies in keeping of records and conflicts of interest. Therefore, this study investigated the influence of supply chain management practices on procurement performance in the County Government of Bungoma. Specifically, sought to examine how supply chain collaboration influences performance of procurement in the county government of Bungoma. Descriptive research design was adopted. Two hundred employees constituted target population comprising of support staff, managers at middle level rank and senior managers. A sample size of one hundred and thirty employees was sampled by use of stratified sampling method. Questionnaires were deployed to collect primary data. Data will be analyzed by use of both inferential and descriptive statistics. Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 24 was used to process data. The association between dependent and independent variables was established using correlation and linear regression analysis. The study established that supply chain collaboration have significant positive influence on procurement performance. The study concluded that supply chain management practices significantly predict procurement performance in County Government of Kakamega. The study recommended that County governments should ensure that is comprehensive framework that would ensure maximum supplier collaboration in the supply chain management as this would enhance procurement performance.
Keyword: Supply Chain Collaboration, Supply Chain Management, Procurement Performance, County Governments
CITATION: Mwangale, F. W., & Okello, D. J. (2020). Influence of supply chain management practices on procurement performance in the county government of Bungoma, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(3), 167 – 179.
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