The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of performance appraisal on teachers’ performance in selected Public primary schools in Limuru Sub-county, Kiambu County. This work was anchored on the problematic area of difficulties in implementation caused by the teacher’s lack of sensitization hence negative attitude to the appraisal process, subsequently affecting desired outcome. The study employed descriptive survey research design. The target population for the study was 541 respondents. The data for this study was collected using semi-structured questionnaires. Data analysis for quantitative data was done through Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). Multiple regression was used to measure the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. The researcher conducted a pilot test to subject the questionnaires to test and ensure their validity with a few questionnaires handed to Sub-county Teachers Service Commission officials to ensure reliability. The information collected was tabulated and analyzed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) with descriptive analysis used in analyzing the data to deduce the answers to specific closed questions. A population of 541 that included TSC secretariat officers, head teachers, deputy head teachers and teachers was targeted where the study adopted a sample size of 72. All the 72 respondents were reached and they filled the questionnaires. Reliability of the questionnaire was determined using Cronbach alpha co-efficient. The data was analyzed by use of quantitative and qualitative techniques, interpreted in form of tables and charts for easy understanding of the results. The results found out that the teacher’s appraisal processes are key in determining the performance of the teacher. The appraiser and appraisee need to be in sync in order to ensure the process is accurately undertaken. Communication is very important on how the teacher’s appraisal is conducted and perceived. Training has the highest influence on the appraisal of the teachers which also affects greatly the performance of the teachers.
Keywords: Teachers Appraisal, Communication, Training
CITATION: Joseph, E. N., Kahuthia, J., & Gakenia, J. (2020). Effects of performance appraisal on teachers’ performance in selected public primary schools in Limuru Sub-County, Kiambu County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(3), 223 – 239.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v7i3.1668
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