The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of project contracting terms, project site management, project coordination and conflict management on construction quality of all-weather road projects in Kisumu County, Kenya. The study used explanatory survey design and targeted mainly persons charged with ensuring quality of road construction projects in Kisumu County, Kenya. The study used structured questionnaires to collect primary data. From both descriptive and inferential statistics all conceptualized independent variables (project contracting terms, project site management, project coordination and conflict management) significantly influenced construction quality of all-weather road projects in Kisumu County (dependent variable). The study concluded that one, the county government must ensure there are feasible project contracting terms in terms of clear estimation of contract costs, scope, time, funding sources and compensations agreement to enhance construction quality of all-weather road projects; Secondly, effective project site management to ensure availability of quality materials can boost construction quality of all-weather road projects and three, effective project coordination that ensures seamless flow of communication influences construction quality of all-weather road projects. The study recommended that one, county government must ensure there are feasible project contracting terms in terms of clear estimation of contract costs, scope, time, funding sources and compensations agreement to enhance construction quality of all-weather road projects. Secondly, to boost construction quality of all-weather road projects, contractors should ensure there is secure project site management to guarantee safety and quality of construction materials. Thirdly, road construction project coordinators should ensure that there is seamless and timely communication with relevant liaison officers and supervises construction duty allocations so as to ensure there is timely completion of quality all-weather roads. The study recommends that another study can be done to assess the effect of procurement process on timely completion of all-weather roads.
Key Words: Project Contracting Terms, Project Site Management, Project Coordination, Conflict Management, Construction Quality
CITATION: Abor, A. O., & Otinga, H. (2020). Influence of value management on construction quality of all-weather road projects in Kisumu County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(3), 269 – 286.
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