Project management practices are those fundamental issues inherent in the project, which must be maintained in order for team working to take place in an efficient and effective manner. They require day to day attention and operate through the life of the project. The current state of project management practices in developing African countries remain actual serious to the development of innovation, the growing difficulty of program and the shortage of human wealth. The main purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between project management practices and performance of Government funded electrification projects in Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the effect of stakeholder involvement, resource allocation, risk management and monitoring & evaluation on performance of Government funded electrification projects in Kenya. This study adopted descriptive survey research design for the qualitative data. The target population involved Kenya Power Lighting Company, Kengen and Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation ((REREC). The research adopted primary data which was done by use self-administered questionnaires. Descriptive statistics was used to present data whereby frequencies, means and standard deviations was used. The study findings showed that the four variables had a significant influence on performance of the government funded electrification projects. The study recommended that a similar research should be conducted with an aim at investigating determinates of project management practices on the performance of government funded electrification projects with other variables or of other firms in other sectors, including other ministries in the Kenya. The findings showed that 69.4 % of the performance is explained by the four variables while 30.6 can be accounted by other factors captured by the standard error.
Key Words; Stakeholder Involvement, Resource Allocation, Risk Management,Monitoring and Evaluation, Performance
CITATION: Wambui, N. E., & Ngugi, P. K. (2020). Project management practices and performance of government funded electrification projects in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(3), 339 – 353.
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