This research looked into the influence of e-procurement practices on procurement efficiency in County Government of Busia. Recent findings had shown a low efficiency in the procurement process in County Government of Busia. So far, no study had been conducted to investigate the influence of e-procurement practices on procurement efficiency. Hence, there was need to examine e-sourcing influence on procurement efficiency in County Government of Busia; to determine e–supplier selection influence on procurement efficiency in County Government of Busia; to find out e-ordering influence on procurement efficiency in County Government of Busia and to establish e-payment influence on procurement efficiency in County Government of Busia. The study employed data collection and analysis from sampled staff of County Government of Busia. Both inferential and descriptive statistical analyses were employed. SPSS software 23 was useful in the analysis. The results revealed that there is significant positive influence of E-sourcing, e-ordering, e-supplier selection and e-payment on procurement efficiency in county government of Busia. The study recommended that for County Governments in Kenya to enhance e-sourcing, they should have online request for quotation reducing lead time. This would reduce cost and improve efficiency in procurement process in the County Governments. The study recommended that there was need for County governments in Kenya to adopt the least practiced e-ordering practices such as e-requisition and e-receipting in order to reduce the transaction costs and speed up the procurement process.
Key Words: e-sourcing, e–supplier selection, e-ordering, e-payment, Procurement Efficiency
CITATION: Anyonje, C. A., & Malenya, A. (2020). Influence of e-procurement practices on procurement efficiency in County Government of Busia. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(3), 669 – 686.
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