Kenya ferry services has over the years implemented various projects to easy transportation at the Likoni channel, however, there had been complains of congestion and time wasting when crossing the channel which gave an indication that the two parties were not working together in solving the problems at the channels. To provide a solution to these problems, the study determined the influence of stakeholder’s involvement on project performance at Kenya Ferry Services. The study adopted a descriptive research design, target population comprising 231 stakeholders of Kenya ferry services partners from which a sample of 70 respondents was selected. Data collection was done by use of questionnaires after a pilot study and analysed by use of only linear regression with the aid of SPSS program. The study findings established that: involvement of stakeholders in project identification was found to significantly and positively relate to project perfomance; it was observed that organization respect for stakeholders concerns to be the highest influencing factor in project identification; involvement of stakeholders in project planning was found to significantly and positively relate to project perfomance, it was observed that involving stakeholders in decision making as the most influential factor; involvement of stakeholders in project monitoring was found to significantly and positively relate to project perfomance, it was observed that using of inspection list as standardized organization monitoring practices and setting baselines for stakeholder’s involvement in monitoring its activities are the most influential factor and lastly, it was established that involvement of stakeholders in project funding was found to significantly and positively relate to project perfomance, it was also observed that, involvement of stakeholder’s in resource allocation was observed to be influential. The study recommended that enhancement of stakeholder involvement in project identification for better contribution to project perfomance; consideration for the concerns of all stakeholders equally instead of implementing what the national government commanded and a clear spell out of rules of engagement for stakeholders to avoid confusion on what they could do during the project management process.
Key Words: Project Identification, Stakeholders Planning, Project Monitoring, Project Funding
CITATION Githinji, C. N., Ogolla, P., & Kitheka, S. (2020). Influence of stakeholder’s involvement on project performance. A case study of Kenya Ferry Services. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(3), 738 – 756.
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