How gender mainstreaming affects livelihood remains a key challenge not only in Rwanda but even globally. Despite the fact that women are the main rural actors in uplifting livelihood, they still experience an array of socioeconomic challenges that exists. The purpose of the study was to assess the influence of gender mainstreaming on uplifting the livelihoods of rural women in Rwanda. This study adopted a descriptive approach where the target population comprised of the households from Gicumbi district, estimated to 395,606, with 86,075 households. The study selected a sample size of 45 households basing on Slovin’s formula. Sampling technique was stratified random sampling. The research tool was structured questionnaire, which was tested for validity and reliability before administration. Gender mainstreaming had a statistically significant strong positive correlation (r=0.538, p= .000) with uplifting the livelihoods of rural women in Rwanda. Gender mainstreaming had a statistically significant contribution to uplifting the livelihoods of rural women in Rwanda (F ratio= 55.810; p< .05) attributing 13.8% variance. It showed that for every one standard deviation increase in gender mainstreaming initiatives, uplifting livelihood improved by .194 units. In conclusion, gender mainstreaming among rural women has attributed to an uplifting livelihood in Gicumbi District, Rwanda. There was a statistically significant strong positive correlation between variations in gender mainstreaming and uplifting livelihood in rural women in Rwanda. Though gender mainstreaming among women attributed to the variation in livelihood, the contribution was quite big. This study identified the existence of policy functionality in terms of capacities and technical skills in gender analysis and planning for effective gender mainstreaming in civil society and public sector, but gender mainstreaming is treated as a goal rather than as a strategy. The study therefore recommended that the public sector should intensify its practice with a view to enhancing sustainable livelihood. Gender mainstreaming involve wide field with numerous operational interventions. Gicumbi District policy makers should therefore invest in research to identify various gender mainstreaming interventions to be used for uplifting livelihood of rural women in Rwanda. This study was not exhaustive. Therefore, further complementary researches should focus on topics that generate new approaches that push Rwandan society closer towards capturing changes in the lived realities of women throughout the world.
Key words: Gender Mainstreaming; uplifting the livelihoods of rural women in Rwanda
CITATION: Mushumba, L., & Mulyungi, P. (2020). Gender mainstreaming on uplifting the livelihoods of rural women in Rwanda. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(3), 973 – 983.
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