The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of digital marketing techniques and performance of petroleum companies. Digital marketing techniques examined in this study include; social media marketing, email marketing and search engine optimization. As such the objectives of the study were; to determine the influence of social media marketing on the performance of petroleum companies, to evaluate the effect of email marketing on the performance of the petroleum companies and to examine the impact of search engine optimization on the performance of petroleum companies. Thematic analysis of digital marketing literature was used in determining indicators for the study variables which included; social media marketing email marketing, search engine optimization and performance of petroleum companies. The study employed descriptive survey methodology with a case study. Vivo Energy Kenya was the case study for this paper. Target population for the study included employees serving at Vivo energy corporate communications and marketing departments. Purposive sampling technique was used to select 71 participants to take part in the study. A structured questionnaire was used as the tool for data collection. The study established that; social media marketing played a critical role in positively boosting popularity of petroleum companies. The findings also indicated that email marketing played a positive role in growing customer base by building consumer affiliation by sharing petroleum products information directly to them. Also, the study established that search engine optimization (SEO) was extremely valuable in building visibility of petroleum companies which was critical in developing brand popularity. The study concluded that digital marketing strategy will increasingly become a strong pillar in undertaking product promotions in petroleum marketing. The dimensions of digital marketing notably; social media marketing and search engine optimization will be most critical in driving petroleum products market share in the digital era. The study recommended; budgeting increase on marketing expenditure for digital marketing strategy and increasing capacity amongst marketing staff in petroleum companies on digital marketing and communication skills. The study also recommended for modernization of petroleum companies digital assets in areas of website design, digitization of company logos and social media channels appeal.
Key Words: Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Search Engine Optimization
CITATION: Maundu, J. (2020). Digital marketing practices on the performance of petroleum companies in Kenya: A case study of Vivo Energy Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(3), 984 – 997.
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