The general objective of this study was to analyze the effect of generic strategies on the sustainable competitive advantage of Keroche Breweries. This research would benefit managers around manufacturing industries by leading to strategic strategies. The findings of this study would offer suggestions that could be beneficial to management practices in manufacturing firms. This study was guided by the porter’s generic model of competitive advantage, game theory, resource-based view theory and capability-based theory. In this research a descriptive research design based on an approach to phenomenology was used. The target population of this study was employees of Keroche Breweries. Primary data was collected directly from respondents using questionnaires. Pilot testing was done and research instruments had the recommended reliability values. The data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics using statistical package for social science version 26 and both descriptive and inferential analysis showed all conceptualized study variables. The study concluded that most studies showed empirical evidence that there is a significant relationship between cost leadership strategy and sustainable competition, therefore it was concluded that efficient cost leadership enhances the soundness and sustainable competitive advantage of Keroche. This is by obtaining supplies at a special price and minimizing cost through innovation. The study showed that differentiation strategy affects sustainable competitive advantage of Keroche breweries, thus, poor or lack of differentiation strategy would expose the company to eminent losses. Most studies found a focus strategy to positively impact sustainable competitive advantage. It was concluded that a well-designed focus strategy is perceived to be of lower risk and such an advantage would be translated into its sustainability in competitive advantage. The study recommended that the government should develop guidelines and policies that would define the required generic strategies and their application by all manufacturing firms in Kenya. This would ensure that manufacturing firms have the required generic strategies that can create a proper fit between their organizations and the environment hence developing generic strategies that will make them competitive internationally.
Key Words: Cost Leadership, Differentiation, Focus Strategy
CITATION: Khasoha, N. S., & Mukanzi, C. (2020). Effect of generic strategies on sustainable competitive advantage of Keroche Breweries. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(3), 1125 – 1140.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v7i3.1731
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