Strategic management plays a role for attainment of organization’s goals and objectives; hence it is a continuous planning, monitoring, analysis and assessment of all activities that makes an organization succeed competitively. This study had the strength of relying on literature of Justice Delivery since it is commonly identified by four pillars, namely; fairness in process, transparency in action, opportunities for voice and impartiality in decision making. General impression of this study was on delivery of justice by the Kenyan judiciary which had been facing challenges ranging from cases backlog, ethical and corruption issues, insufficient judicial officers, insufficient digitization and infrastructure. This study focused on the review of the judicial strategic plan and performance reports on delivery of justice. Specific objective of the study was to determine the effect of deploying Fit for Purpose Approach Management Skills in Justice Delivery in Kenya. This study used a descriptive survey research design anchored on pragmatism philosophy on a population target of judicial officers which constituted; Judges and Magistrates who practice in Milimani law court, Nairobi; Kenya. Data collection was done through structured questionnaires by use of census technique on all concerned respondents. Analysis of data of the study was done by use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS 24) in order to solve concerned information of descriptive and inferential content of the study. Descriptive statistics included; frequencies, percentages and means, however for inferential Statistics, main concern was on correlation. The conclusion of the study was that Fit for Purpose Approach Management Skills had significant positive effect on Justice Delivery since the null hypothesis was rejected. This study recommended strengthening of Fit for Purpose Approach Management skills as strategic management tool in the administration of justice as it had shown to improve Justice Delivery.
Key words; Fit for Purpose Approach Management Skills, Justice Delivery
CITATION: Wanyonyi, C. K., & Juma, D. (2020). Effect of fit for purpose approach management skills on justice delivery in Kenya; A case of Milimani High Court Nairobi. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(3), 1177 – 1194.
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