This study sought to examine the influence of Monitoring and Evaluation function on project performance in KALRO. Descriptive research design was employed since it is convenient in enabling the researcher in generalizing the findings to a large population. The target population for the study was 175 active projects from which a sample size of 64 projects which formed 37% of the target population was selected. The questionnaire was used as the main data collection instrument while document review was used to collect secondary data. Pilot testing was done to assess questions’ validity and reliability of the research instrument. This constituted respondent from 6 projects which was 10% of the sample size selected for the study. In line with the objectives of the study, descriptive data was analyzed, interpreted and inferences made through triangulation of information using statistical package for social science (SPPS) Version 25. The relationship between variables was determined using correlation and regression. Major findings for the study revealed that three independent variables namely planning in M&E, Monitoring and control, and findings of evaluation had a direct relationship with project performance while feedback mechanism had an inverse relationship. Based on results, all the betas indicated that the independent variables were predictors of project performance. The study recommended that KALRO should improve on its planning in M&E through involving all relevant stakeholders by inviting their views in order to assist project managers to easily detect and prevent misunderstanding or opposition during project implementation. Better strategies on implementing monitoring and control measures should also be adopted. Regular feedback should also be collected, analyzed and used systematically and or effectively to inform future policy on project execution in order to enhance project performance.
Key Words: Planning, Implementation, Evaluation, Feedback Mechanisms, Monitoring and Evaluation
CITATION: Koima, J. J., & Mukulu, E. (2020). Influence of monitoring and evaluation on project performance in Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(3), 1195 – 1215.
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