Employee Performance has emerged being vital at work place for success and development of organizations; this has been demonstrated both at current and in the traditional civil service workplaces. Therefore, the civil service management teams at the County Government levels need to pay more attention to the practice of Work Engagement as a means of enhancing Employee Performance. Absorption Engagement being one of the elements of Work Engagement practices has been very instrumental to Employee performance in various sectors of the counties in Kenya. This perception leads to a rise of the study that could be used to reveal if there exists relationship between Absorption Engagement and Employee Performance. The main objective of this study was to investigate the Effect of Absorption Engagement on Employee Performance in Bungoma County Government. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The target population comprised of Bungoma Government County officers. Data was collected by use of self-administered questionnaire. Analysis of data of the study was done by use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS 22). The software was used to solve concerned statistical information of descriptive and inferential content of the study. Descriptive statistics included; frequencies, percentages and means. For inferential statistics; correlation and regression analysis was done. The results revealed that the construct of Absorption Engagement had an influence on Employee Performance in Bungoma County Government. This study recommended that there was need to train the employees to have an understanding of Absorption Engagement Practices for the better of Employee Performance. More so, researchers are encouraged to study further on both public and private sectors using similar variables.
Key word; Employee Performance, Absorption Engagement
CITATION: Wafula, V., & Agoi, L. (2020). Effect of absorption engagement on employee performance in Bungoma County Government; Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(3), 1305 – 1317.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v7i3.1743
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