The study focused on the roles of government interventions in the relationship between procurement practices and procurement performance in public secondary schools in West Pokot Sub County, Kenya. The main objective of this study was to determine the role of government intervention in the relationship between procurement practices and procurement performance in public secondary schools, a case of West PokotSub County, Kenya. The specific objectives of this study were: to determine the extent to which compliance to procurement practices influence procurement performance in public secondary school and to find out the influence of inventory management on procurement performance in public secondary schools. Descriptive research design was adopted. Census technique was adopted while a sample of 104 respondents was involved in the study. Primary data was collected from principals and Procurement Officers using questionnaires. Data analysis was done using descriptive analysis. The findings of the study found out that most public secondary schools in West Pokot Sub County improved their procurement performance because they had fully complied with procurement practices. It was established that the majority of the schools had complied with procurement practices. The study recommended that public secondary schools should regularly prepare compliance reports and share such reports among themselves. This would assist in establishing best compliance practices that would enable all public secondary schools be at par in procurement performance.
Key Words: Procurement Compliance, Inventory Management, Procurement Performance
CITATION: Adembesa, W. K., Ngacho, C., & Chesoli, J. W. (2020). The role of government interventions in the relationship between procurement practices and procurement performance of public secondary schools in West Pokot Sub-County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(3), 1533 – 1543.
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